Young voters are leaning Republican as Dems try to sell themselves as the ‘cool’ thing
Despite the daily diet of Democrats trying to throw everything at young voters to woo them, new polling shows young voters in the US are shrugging off their habit of voting left and actually thinking of voting Republican in November. Read more here. Parents, Not Lax Regulation, To Blame for Tweens’ Excessive Screen Time “Instead of calling on the federal government to regulate tween and teen use of social media, perhaps we should look a little closer to home. A new study suggests parental policies and habits around screens are a significant predictor of problematic use among adolescents.” Read more here. US Surgeon General calls for requiring a warning label on social media platforms “Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas said, "The Surgeon General's diagnosis, paired with @SenBrianSchatz's and my bipartisan legislation, the Kids Off Social Media Act ... offers a strong prescription to mitigate the dangers facing America's youth." The proposed legislation Cruz referenced includes a provision to prohibit social media companies from allowing children younger than 13 to have an account.” Read more here. Biden’s Title IX law hits another road block in 6 new states “OutKick contributor Riley Gains and Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares react to federal judges blocking President Biden's new Title IX rules in 10 states on 'America Reports.'” Watch the video.
Why The Left Hates It When You Point Out We’re ‘A Republic, Not A Democracy’ The U.S. was intended to be a representative, constitutional Republic. ‘Democracy’ is mob rule. “It’s no accident the people who demand you call us a “democracy” also champion the idea that 50.1 percent of the country should be empowered to lord over the economic, religious, cultural, and political decisions of 49.9 percent.” Read more here. NYC School Cell Phone Bans Put Burden on Teachers, Leave Students Confused “Some teachers create their own rules, from zero-tolerance approaches like confiscation to more relaxed policies like allowing phones unless a class devolves into chaos, according to Stephan Menasche, a senior at the 3,400-student school in Queens. . . .The inconsistencies lead to students testing boundaries and giving into the irresistible pull of their phones to watch or create TikToks, text friends, or listen to music.” Read more here. |
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