Race relations are getting worse in this country and I blame the Left.
First, for trying to do away with the equal protection clause. The latest example is the Biden administration trying to prioritize COVID grants to restaurants based on race and gender. Earlier examples include Washington state denying COVID vaccines to white people to favor non-whites, Oakland denying low income grants to whites to favor blacks, the Biden Education Department approving racially segregated affinity groups in schools again and, of course, Harvard discriminating against Asians to favor blacks in college admissions. You can yak all you want how all this is compensation for past wrongs, but segregation is segregation - poisonous and ruinous to race relations. You can’t cure racism with more racism. It sets up an endless cycle of accusation and retribution. Tell me that’s a step forward. Second, the Left thinks minorities are too stupid to engage the world on equal terms and we need to lower the bar to accommodate their stupidity. Calling voter ID laws racist with no basis in fact is one example, but there are others. Oregon schools don’t want to require coming up with the right answer in math class because that would be racist. Boston shut down its advanced classes in public grade schools because there were too many whites and Asians in the program. What a tragic loss for the other kids in the program - not only did they lose advanced content but also the chance to rub shoulders and start making deeper connections with a set intelligent peers who are more likely than average to go places later in life. Anybody who has seen ‘Stand and Deliver’ - a movie based on the true story of minority students in L.A. excelling in math - knows the Left’s belief that minorities are stupid is just plain wrong. If believing minorities are stupid and can’t take care of themselves isn’t racist, I don’t know what is. Third, the Left keeps moving the goal posts, redefining racism, and spinning ever-more poisonous racial theories. A Nevada school teaches its students that "people of color CANNOT be racist," which is obviously crazy. Bitter Democrat demagogue Maxine Waters declared that police in America believe “their greatest challenge and their greatest chore is to keep black people in their place.” Not helpful, Maxine. Merriam-Webster has redefined ‘color-blind’ as racist for refusing to address inequities in society. Speaking of ‘equity’, it has replaced ‘equality’ as the Left’s guiding light, but what it really means is redistribution of everything by an increasingly authoritarian government that can only start by taking people’s stuff away by force. Economic egalitarianism isn’t equality before the law under the equal protection clause; it’s “legal plunder” in Frederic Bastiat’s elegant phrase. We’ve gone from equality under the law in the 14th Amendment and the civil rights era to an increasingly poisonous parade of theories that stand equality on its head - affirmative action, systemic racism, antiracism, and so forth until we arrive at critical race theory which is, undeniably, Marxist in origin. None of this helps race relations in this country. All these theories do is cause resentment and keep different groups at each other’s throats. Don’t believe me? Ask the Asian-Americans suing Harvard for discrimination and condemning critical race theory as hateful, divisive, and manipulative. Finally, I blame the left-wing professional race hustlers for pushing all this poison on the country. They’ve whipped people up into a frenzy, like the Black Lives Matter protester near Seattle who said, “I can’t wait until black people lynch white people!” BLM is a group of self-admitted trained Marxists, pushing race hatred for its own purposes and financial gain. And get a load of the youthful beliefs of Kristen Clarke, Joe Biden’s nominee to run the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department: the human brain is structured in such a way as to make black people superior to white people; and blacks have superior physical, mental, and spiritual abilities. Black supremacy - ye gads! Race hustlers also tell people, ‘You’re a victim and, no matter what you do, you can’t change your circumstances,’ a poisonous and false message if I’ve ever heard one. But here’s the kicker: They go on to say, ‘You need us professional race hustlers to intercede on your behalf; otherwise you’ll have nothing.’ Another manifestly untrue statement, spreading the poisonous dynamic of learned helplessness. And for what? So the professional race hustlers, critical race theory trainers, and all the others who make up the leftist Race-Industrial Complex can make a buck and advance their careers. Follow the money, folks, and you can’t help but be cynical about the increasingly poisonous messages they offer. Whatever sells. |
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