Federal Housing Finance Agency structure ruled unconstitutional (Constitution news round-up)7/18/2018
Separation of Powers: U.S. appeals court finds Federal Housing Finance Agency structure unconstitutional - “headed by a single Director removable only for cause, does not depend on congressional appropriations, and evades meaningful judicial review.”
https://reason.com/volokh/2018/07/16/federal-court-holds-fhfa-unconstitutiona Art 1 Sec 8 Naturalization – in preliminary ruling, U.S. judge declines to strip citizenship from Pakistani-born Al Qaeda Brooklyn Bridge plotter https://www.politico.com/blogs/under-the-radar/2018/07/16/citizens-terror-denaturalization-al-qaeda-725963 1A: In win for free speech, IRS exempts charities from disclosure of donor names and addresses https://www.wsj.com/articles/an-irs-advance-for-speech-privacy-1531783998 1A: federal appeals court rules most injunctions against libel are unconstitutional prior restraints; law unsettled, Supreme Court will have to weigh in http://reason.com/volokh/2018/07/11/first-circuit-holds-most-modern-anti-lib 1A/4A: civil libertarians questioning NYPD’s combing through social media tweets to use in arrests and gang takedowns http://www.brennancenter.org/blog/when-facebook-lands-you-jail 1A Religion: federal appeals court permanently blocks trial judge’s order granting abortion chain’s demands for private communications of non-party Texas bishops https://www.nationalreview.com/bench-memos/fifth-circuit-blocks-outrageous-discovery-order-against-texas-catholic-conference/ 1A: teen who told her boyfriend to kill himself claims it was free speech https://www.collegemedianetwork.com/teen-who-urged-boyfriends-suicide-through-text-says-it-was-free-speech/ Free Speech: U of Minnesota considers expelling students for failing to use preferred transgender pronouns. (Phase 1: make your ideas ubiquitous. Phase 2: shut everyone else down and crack their heads.) #FreeYourInnerFascist http://www.wnd.com/2018/07/college-may-punish-incorrect-use-of-gender-pronouns/?cat_orig=education Free Speech: Use the harm of ‘offensive’ speech to curb free speech? Think again: “Nazis with the freedom to speak can cause less harm than Nazis with the power to regulate speech.” https://quillette.com/2018/07/11/free-speech-doesnt-protect-nazis-it-protects-us-from-nazis/ 1A: a ‘right to be forgotten’ – when it results in orders to media to delete archived stories - is inconsistent with the First Amendment http://reason.com/volokh/2018/07/16/tv-station-ordered-to-expunge-archived-s 2A: federal appeals court upholds preliminary injunction against California’s ban on high capacity magazines http://reason.com/volokh/2018/07/17/second-amendment-injunction-against-cali 2A: gun groups sue California for botching online gun registration system and putting people who attempted to comply at risk of arrest http://freebeacon.com/issues/gun-rights-groups-sue-california-over-registration-failures-that-could-result-in-gun-owners-being-locked-up/?utm_source=Freedom+Mail&utm_campaign=988db41476-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_07_12_09_36_COPY_73&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_b5e6e0e9ea-988db41476-45628225 2A: vet fights warrantless seizure of his registered guns and wins https://freedomoutpost.com/cops-attempt-to-seize-veterans-guns-with-no-warrant-but-he-refuses-to-submit-and-wins/ 2A: Yes, they ARE coming for your guns. NY Dem candidate laments she can’t come out as a gun-grabber until after the election http://freebeacon.com/politics/new-york-democrat-candidate-says-wants-certain-guns-banned-private-meeting-wont-say-publicly/?utm_source=Freedom+Mail&utm_campaign=4beeef084c-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_07_13_06_45_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_b5e6e0e9ea-4beeef084c-45628225 2A: if illegal alien girls stepping one toe over the border have due process rights to abortions, don’t they also have the right to bear arms? #CarefulWhatYouWishFor https://www.cnsnews.com/commentary/terence-p-jeffrey/does-alien-caught-border-have-right-bear-arms 4A: mass strip-search of 22 middle-school girls unconstitutional, federal appeals court rules https://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/constitution/item/29506-schools-2013-strip-search-sixth-graders-finally-ruled-unconstitutional 5A Eminent Domain: Kelo one of the worst decisions ever; will Kavanaugh stand up for property rights? https://americanpolicy.org/2018/07/17/will-brett-kavanaugh-stand-for-property-rights/?mc_cid=c7cf8ae2d7&mc_eid=d08e7ded69 8A: U.S. appeals court rules there is no constitutional right to cash bail in lieu of non-monetary conditions for pre-trial release https://www.law.com/njlawjournal/2018/07/09/3rd-circuit-shackles-constitutional-challenge-to-nj-bail-reform-law/?slreturn=20180616065512 10A: activists gathering signatures for ballot initiative to reverse California immigration policies; stunning number of signatures gathered in Oregon for anti-sanctuary measure https://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article214451294.html + https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/jul/11/stop-oregon-sanctuaries-fight-sanctuary-state-aim-/ 14A: New Hampshire Governor signs voter residency requirement into law after state high court advises it’s constitutional https://www.concordmonitor.com/In-3-2-decision-Supreme-Court-upholds-constitutionality-of-voting-residency-bill-18791151 14A Equal Protection: unprecedented and confusing - U.S. judge finds Jews are a ‘race’ entitled to civil rights protection on the basis of race. My question: Are Moroccan Muslims the same ‘race’ as Indonesian Muslims? CAIR wants you to think they are. https://www.algemeiner.com/2018/07/17/in-historic-ruling-us-judge-finds-jews-entitled-to-race-based-civil-rights-protections/ 14A: another case of political bias in public accommodations (Uber) – is this what we want? http://dailycaller.com/2018/07/16/exclusive-young-republicans-dumped-at-a-random-gas-station-by-anti-trump-uber-driver-speak-out/ ERAUSANOW TITLEIX @ERAUSANOW Jul 12 Replying to @LiberatoUS You are sadly mistaken Liberato.US @LiberatoUS Jul 12 Amendments: the Constitution already protects women; Equal Rights Amendment is useless and dangerous 7/18 response: Well, that was clear as mud. Not well argued. BTW: what happened to your website (ratifyera.org)? Did you lose your funding? Oshtur @Vishanti Jul 12 Replying to @LiberatoUS No, all it does is say there must be religious neutrality in applying the law. A complaining parent should be treated the same whether their complaint originates from religion or secular prudery, that’s all. Liberato.US @LiberatoUS Jul 12 Using Masterpiece to full advantage: constrains public agency treatment of religious belief; could block teaching radical sex ed agenda to schoolchildren http://www.missionamerica.com/article/free-school-sex-ed-slaves-after-cakeshop-decision/ … 7/18 response: If that were true, Justice Kennedy would not have gone on at length about public officials’ hostility towards religion being fair game. Good luck confining Masterpiece to your overly-narrow reading. 14A Due Process: NY court reminds everyone that student disciplinary proceedings are not kangaroo courts and do require due process http://reason.com/volokh/2018/07/15/court-feels-compelled-to-express-dismay Appointments clause: U.S. judge says members of Puerto Rico financial oversight board constitutionally appointed https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-puertorico-lawsuit/us-judge-nixes-move-to-toss-puerto-rico-bankruptcy-case-idUSKBN1K400E State Constitution: class action alleges student fees contravene Idaho guarantee of free public education https://www.ktvb.com/article/news/education/class-action-lawsuit-charging-idaho-students-fees-is-unconstitutional/277-573723828 14A birthright citizenship seen as negating threat blacks would be forcibly removed, thus transforming the country http://time.com/5324440/14th-amendment-meaning-150-anniversary/ “Happy 150th Birthday, 14th Amendment” – hear the story of its origins, drafting, and ratification https://constitutioncenter.org/blog/happy-150th-birthday-14th-amendment New short video from Potomac Tea Party: Citizens, Give Up Your Guns! - Why We Have the Second Amendment
https://www.potomacteaparty.com/videos.html Travel Ban? Sanctuary Cities? Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Immigration and the Constitution (radio archive) http://www.blogtalkradio.com/americanstatesman/2018/07/11/american-freedom-watch-radio--chris-wright 10A: preliminary ruling knocks down most of Trump effort against California sanctuary state laws, but employers may still cooperate with ICE https://www.politico.com/story/2018/07/05/trump-sanctuary-cities-ruling-695286 Art I, Sec 2 / 14A: lawsuit objecting to citizenship question on census allowed to proceed https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/courts/manhattan-judge-says-lawsuit-challenging-census-citizenship-question-can-move-forward + It’s all about the money. https://ag.ny.gov/sites/default/files/complaint.pdf 14A Due Process: suit against Trump campaign and Roger Stone for DNC email hack dismissed for lack of personal jurisdiction https://ecf.dcd.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/show_public_doc?2017cv1370-72 Janus fall-out: Supreme Court removes bar against class actions against unions for recovery of forced dues https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/courts/supreme-court-throws-out-ruling-riffey-case-protections-unions-class-action-lawsuits Art I, Sec 8: measure offered to reclaim congressional authority over tariffs http://www.libertylawsite.org/2018/06/27/tariffs-a-constitutionalist-grows-in-washington/ 1A/14A: Wisconsin Supreme Court rules Marquette U breached employment contract by suspending prof for blog post http://thefederalist.com/2018/07/09/wisconsins-marquette-decision-big-win-free-speech-signals-trouble/ 1A free exercise: Supreme Court orders another look at qualified immunity case brought by woman police ordered to stop praying in her own home https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/17pdf/17-742_c185.pdf 1A: Supreme Court takes retaliatory arrest case – is it retaliatory if probable cause to arrest exists, but arrest likely would not have happened without constitutionally protected speech? http://reason.com/volokh/2018/06/28/supreme-court-trying-again-on-the-first Chuck Schumer Asks If Mosques Will Be Monitored For “Hate Speech” - Gets Threatened With “Hate Speech” Prosecution For Asking. Then I woke up and realized I live in a country with free speech. https://freedomoutpost.com/uk-lord-asks-if-mosques-will-be-monitored-for-hate-speech-gets-threatened-with-hate-speech-prosecution-for-asking/ FEC itching to further regulate political speech on the Internet; clamp down on viewpoints they don’t like http://thehill.com/opinion/technology/395595-free-speech-means-a-free-internet-even-if-democrats-dont-like-it Free Speech: “Refusal to Use Preferred Gender Pronouns Costs British Doctor His Job” #FreeYourInnerFascist https://www.dailysignal.com/2018/07/09/refusal-to-use-preferred-gender-pronouns-costs-british-doctor-his-job/?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWXpnMU5qTmxNRFk1TkRnMiIsInQiOiJFOHlaWEhtXC9QMjk0U1cwaEhHb1k0bHhzaVY5MHRyMWozeG8zNkRjVGtKZU5YSytXaExiTFNtRGZsTjlIak5jZ0labVJrNm9obVpnVzFRTDRqbXZEZ1pmWFZvbXpIeUpkdHRJNm11NVVQUlZaeVwvZHdDNmgxU0d2dTdFQktKUG11In0%3D NYT: Conservatives have too much free speech. It’s just not fair. #FreeSpeechForMeButNotForThee https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/30/us/politics/first-amendment-conservatives-supreme-court.html The Left is pushing to make free speech a collective right that is the sole property of the government and certain privileged demographic groups, not individuals http://www.freemarketcentral.com/post/14706/new-york-times-declares-that-conservatives-take-unfair-advantage-of-the-first-amendment 1A Establishment of Religion – group files complaint over Bible in POW display at Okinawa naval hospital https://www.military.com/daily-news/2018/06/27/group-files-ig-complaint-against-navy-over-bible-pow-mia-display.html 1A Establishment of Religion – Christian group sues Boston over refusal to allow Christian flag at City Hall during nearby event http://www.bostonherald.com/news/local_coverage/2018/07/christian_group_camp_constitution_is_suing_the_city_of_boston_over_flag 2A: “26 Illinois counties have passed ‘gun sanctuary’ resolutions.” http://www.pjstar.com/news/20180708/26-illinois-counties-have-passed-gun-sanctuary-resolutions-are-they-constitutional 2A: “Republican Gov. Charlie Baker signed a bill on Tuesday allowing for temporary gun confiscation without any due process in Massachusetts” http://bwcentral.org/2018/07/massachusetts-governor-signs-gun-seizure-bill/ 2A: Here’s how many dictators took over the U.S. today – ZERO. Thank you, Framers, for the Second Amendment! Rebutting mindless CBC story here - https://www.cbc.ca/news/thenational/national-today-newsletter-us-gun-violence-1.4722108 2A: UN Programme of Action on small arms is an assault weapon aimed at the U.S. Second Amendment https://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/constitution/item/29424-us-promises-full-implementation-of-un-gun-control-agreement 4A: conservatives on the Supreme Court continue to misapply the 4th Amendment, failing to rein in administrative subpoenas issued without probable cause. https://www.lifezette.com/polizette/high-court-flubbed-chance-to-stop-bureaucrats-with-illegal-subpoenas/ 8A: Colorado Supreme Court case presents question whether Eighth Amendment (via incorporation doctrine) protects corporations against excessive fines by a state http://reason.com/volokh/2018/07/03/excessive-fines-clause-and-corporations 14A Equal Protection: it’s time to evaluate effects of disparate impact theory (“why does the agency believe disparate impact liability will survive strict scrutiny? What's the compelling interest? [Is] it narrowly tailored to achieve that purpose?” http://reason.com/volokh/2018/07/09/the-trump-administration-should-conduct 14A Equal Protection: group asks for full-Third Circuit review of order opening Pennsylvania school’s restrooms and locker rooms to transgender students https://www.dailysignal.com/2018/07/02/legal-group-appeals-ruling-favoring-opening-pa-schools-restrooms-locker-rooms-to-transgender-students/?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWm1JNU1qUmpOakJtTWpNMSIsInQiOiJzOEdHU21KYUNJa3Z3RjgwOHpxT2UwS04yRkFJODFUKzQ5V0xxbzYrYkpjcFhKNUNaOTNwZEpwUGN1djBUSXIwSWpZS1ZkNldaeEIrakh1eVJBM0NQS29JNHZPVTlsNTg3aVVPWUhpZmpYQzJSY2N4aCs4QzFGSGQ1d1BSdSttVSJ9 14A Equal Protection: Trump admin junks Obama guidance promoting race to achieve diversity in college admissions https://www.cnn.com/2018/07/03/politics/trump-administration-college-admissions/index.html Equal Protection – #WalkAway guy was denied service; another case of political bias in public accommodations. Apparently legal in New York. #NewYorkDiscriminates https://heavy.com/news/2018/07/brandon-straka-denied-service-walkaway/ 14A Due Process: federal judge rules there is no fundamental right to learn to read and write in suit against Michigan officials for failing Detroit schools https://www.wzzm13.com/article/news/education/federal-judge-says-theres-no-fundamental-right-to-learn-to-read-and-write/69-569587369 14A Due Process: in victory for Planned Parenthood, preliminary injunction blocks as undue burden Indiana law requiring info on patients with abortion complications https://apnews.com/527f4c13f5744e86b8f2522c5adf8c77/Judge-temporarily-blocks-abortion-reporting-rule-in-Indiana Deference: Mississippi Supreme Court scuttles deference to state administrative agencies http://reason.com/volokh/2018/07/10/mississippi-supreme-court-rejects-chevro Appointments Clause: Russian firm accused of election meddling moves to dismiss case on grounds Mueller unlawfully appointed https://www.rferl.org/a/russian-billionaire-prigozhin-firm-concord-management-internet-troll-factor-moves-dismiss-us-election-meddling-case-mueller-unconstitutional/29320612.html State Constitutions: “Hunting and fishing constitutional amendment passes, heads to NC voters” https://www.wral.com/traditional-methods-what-exactly-would-hunting-and-fishing-amendment-allow-/17653184/ Article V Convention: lawsuit against 2017 Missouri Convention of States resolution dismissed (N.B. – COS hasn’t gotten anywhere this year) https://www.missourinet.com/2018/06/29/lawsuit-against-missouri-legislatures-convention-of-states-resolution-tossed/ Amendments: ‘evolving Constitution’ jurisprudence is stunting the amendment process http://www.libertylawsite.org/2018/06/27/the-problems-with-declaring-procedurally-valid-constitutional-amendments-to-be-unconstitutional/ Amendments: the Constitution already protects women; Equal Rights Amendment is useless and dangerous https://www.dailysignal.com/2018/06/22/the-false-premise-of-the-equal-rights-amendment/?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTUdFMU5tRTBNVGxqWkRNeCIsInQiOiIwQzdsQkdjUmduUHhUdDl4bkhURWNPT0RqWlM1aStcL2VHa2NEVHJhWkJyRFFVeHgxTUVcL0t0T3lwbVVpMFJCZTd5RnhoZmNcLzlqbXlHVWVaWkR6M1VGblF1aG5PVVBnSVwvaTZlbUwzc3lsSmhyKytONzRCSGxYMFhkMFppOGdOZ3IifQ%3D%3D Using Masterpiece to full advantage: constrains public agency treatment of religious belief; could block teaching radical sex ed agenda to schoolchildren http://www.missionamerica.com/article/free-school-sex-ed-slaves-after-cakeshop-decision/ Art IV Sec 3: meaning of constitutional provision on formation of states could be tested if initiative to break California into 3 pieces passes http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/07/02/bid-to-split-california-into-3-states-gains-traction-could-it-really-happen.html The two faces of Justice Sutherland’s jurisprudence: blessed limited government in domestic affairs, but enabled imperial presidency in foreign affairs https://reason.com/archives/2018/07/01/when-the-supreme-court-blessed Essay on the meaning of the Declaration of Independence – pegs the natural rights foundation of the American Idea http://reason.com/volokh/2018/07/04/what-the-declaration-of-independence-sai Worth more than a Monet! “10 fascinating facts about the Declaration of Independence” https://constitutioncenter.org/blog/10-fascinating-facts-about-the-declaration-of-independence Country music group slams Facebook for censoring patriotic song ‘I Stand for the Flag’ http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2018/07/03/facebook-slammed-for-censorship-country-groups-patriotic-song.html Shame! Extreme Left St. Paul Mayor cancels July 4th fireworks because they ‘cost too much’, but private donations would have covered the cost https://blogs.mprnews.org/newscut/2018/06/no-fireworks-for-you-st-paul/ Tonight, I have an update for you on the Trump administration’s lawsuit against California’s state sanctuary laws. This one, so far, is going as observers expected – in other words, not well. A federal judge on July 5, 2018 refused to grant the Justice Department a preliminary injunction against California’s statute prohibiting state and local law enforcement officials from sharing information about criminal aliens in their custody with federal officials. The judge also declined to grant a preliminary injunction against the California law allowing state inspections of local and privately run jails, which depends on getting access to federal records about prisoners. The judge did, however, block parts of a third law, including provisions that tried to ban private employers from cooperating with federal immigration officials on immigration raids and other matters. So, as observers expected, the strongest part of the Justice Department’s case was upheld, at least for now. This is all preliminary, not final, and the case goes forward. The judge was sympathetic to the anti-commandeering argument which prevents the federal government from forcing state and local officials to help enforce federal laws. The judge said “refusing to help is not the same as impeding” and that standing aside is not the same as standing in the way.
Family Separation In May 2018, the Trump administration announced a “zero tolerance” policy under which all adults entering the United States illegally would be subject to criminal prosecution and all minor children would be separated from their parents. In June, in response to public pressure, the President issued an executive order ending the practice of separating families. But the order did not address the reunification of more than 2,000 children already separated from their parents. Prior to the executive order, a federal judge in San Diego found that the illegal aliens entering the United States under the circumstances presented have “substantive due process rights to family integrity” under the 5th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. After the executive order, the judge issued a preliminary injunction giving the administration up to 30 days to reunite all children affected by the “zero tolerance” policy with their parents. The Trump administration had argued unsuccessfully that families separated at the border when the parents claim asylum have no constitutional right to remain together. But in his first ruling, the judge talked about the “sacred bond between parent and child” and said he found the practice of family separation inhumane. Observers have said there is a due process “right of family integrity” dating from Supreme Court cases in the early 20th Century. The Flores agreement that has gotten so much publicity lately, among other things, stipulates that children coming across the border illegally accompanied by their parents have to be released within 20 days. The Trump administration said the Flores agreement is the reason it could not keep families together – the parents are detained indefinitely but the kids are supposed to be placed in 20 days. Last I heard, the Trump administration is looking for space on military bases to detain families together. The administration says this would satisfy both the Flores agreement and the San Diego judge’s order. The judge in San Diego recently said “nothing in his order takes away the government’s discretion to either detain or release parents in immigration custody; keeping families together is the key.” What’s odd is that the Flores case – which gave rise to the Flores agreement – specifically found there is NO due process right for children of parents detained for deportation hearings to be placed with their parents, close relatives, or legal guardians. So it’s conceivable that higher courts could reverse the district court judge’s findings, but I personally doubt the government will take the case that far. |
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