Ten-part video series on sharia and Constitution explains the conflicts between sharia and the oath of office, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the constitutional guarantee against cruel and unusual punishment, etc. The series concludes with action steps you can take regarding the 93 percent of Muslim politicians who won’t express support for the Constitution.
http://www.liberato.us/videos.html Article II,12A: Here we go again - Is Kamala Harris a “natural-born citizen”? https://reason.com/2020/08/10/yes-kamala-harris-is-indeed-a-natural-born-citizen/ Discrimination: Bostock Strikes Again! Cited to decide bathroom case though Gorsuch professed his opinion would not be deciding anything of the kind. https://reason.com/2020/08/08/the-eleventh-circuit-grapples-with-title-ix-and-the-equal-protection-clause-in-the-wake-of-bostock/ 1A: Road to Litigation - street paintings of Black Lives Matter YES, but Preborn Lives Matter, Back the Blue, and No One is Above the Law NO https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/aug/10/conservative-street-mural-rejections-amid-black-li/ 1A: Big constitutional problems with asking faculty and students to sign a Black Lives Matter loyalty oath and social justice warrior pledge (aka ‘antirracism’); non-signers could be subject to retaliation. https://reason.com/2020/08/07/university-of-southern-maine-asks-students-and-faculty-to-sign-black-lives-matter-statement-and-antiracism-pledge/ Free Expression: 45 heavy-weights hit back against cancel culture, ask Americans to sign ‘Philadelphia Statement’ declaring offensive speech is not ‘violence’ https://www.dailysignal.com/2020/08/11/philadelphia-statement-defends-free-speech-from-cancel-culture/ Free Expression: Professor at left-dominated school fights to offer course critical of Marxism to all students https://www.mrctv.org/index.php/blog/scientific-speech-orthodoxy-was-sired-marxist-speech-orthodoxy-college-blocks-students-hearing
1A: K-12 student speech rights not limited to political speech (1st Circuit) https://reason.com/2020/08/07/first-amendment-protections-in-k-12-schools-not-restricted-to-only-core-political-speech/ 2A: Article discusses gun rights of the formerly mentally ill - should a teenage girl who spent time in a psychiatric hospital for an eating disorder be forever barred from owning a firearm? https://reason.com/2020/08/06/second-amendment-rights-of-the-successfully-treated-former-mentally-ill/ 6A: COVID-restricted proceedings with spectators watching on streamed video comports with Public Trial Clause (federal judge, Alabama) https://reason.com/2020/08/11/public-trial-clause-not-violated-by-having-spectators-observe-via-live-video-and-audio/ 8A: Louisiana Supreme Court declines to intervene in case where defendant got a life sentence for stealing a pair of hedge clippers (he had priors) https://www.npr.org/2020/08/05/899525589/louisiana-supreme-court-wont-review-life-sentence-for-man-who-stole-hedge-clippe 14A Equal Protection: allowing dining but not weddings at COVID-restricted restaurant is unconstitutional selective enforcement (federal judge, NY) https://reason.com/2020/08/08/limiting-weddings-at-restaurants-while-allowing-ordinary-dining-at-restaurants-violates-equal-protection/ Two North Carolina judges create free, online course about the U.S. Constitution for high school students https://www.wfmynews2.com/article/news/nc-judges-creating-free-online-constitution-class/83-a2a8570e-b781-441a-84ff-58216a97df7d Comments are closed.
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